PPCC Area Representative Election 2018 - 1

2018 PPCC Area Representative Candidates 
Presentations and Q/A
on Thursday, August 9, at 7 p.m. at the Palisades Library
Online elections will be open from August 9 to August 30 

The Pacific Palisades Community Council (PPCC) holds Area Representative elections for each of its 8 Areas and one At-Large Representative every two years.  This year, eleven motivated candidates will introduce themselves. For the 100-words official candidate statements please click here.  Please click on the candidates' names below for expanded personal statements.

The PPCC acts as the voice of the residents of Pacific Palisades to our neighboring communities, and to the elected officials and representatives at the city of LA, the County, and the State.  The PPCC Area representatives take their own community's needs before the PPCC to gain support.  They also take information back to their community on local and city-wide concerns, projects, laws, and regulations.  

Area 1: Joanna Spak 
North and south of Sunset, west of Palisades Drive

Palisades Highlands

Area 3: Haldis Toppel   
Marquez Knolls north of Sunset, and the area between Palisades Drive and Bienveneda south of Sunset.
Area 4: Rick Mills
North and south of Sunset Blvd. from Bienveneda Ave. to Temescal Canyon Road. 

Area 5: Sue Kohl
North side of Sunset Blvd. from Temescal Canyon Rd. to Rivas Canyon Rd.   

Area 6: David Kaplan  
South of Sunset between Temescal Canyon and Chautauqua Blvd.

Area 7: Steve Boyers 
Santa Monica Canyon, Rustic and Lower Rivas Canyon, Will Rogers State Park

Area 8: Reza Akef, 
Riviera sections north and south of Sunset Blvd. up to Allenford Ave.and  Paul Revere High School  

Entire Palisades, including all 8 Areas listed above.

Note: Area descriptions above are approximations.  For an exact Area definition please click here.