Steve Cron Area 2 PPCC Representative 2018

Vote for Steve Cron

As Area 2 Representative I will make sure that the opinions
 and needs of Highlands residents are heard and acknowledged at PPCC. 

The Pacific Palisades Community Council (PPCC) holds area representative elections for each of its eight areas and one at-large representative, every two years. The PPCC is viewed as the voice of the residents of Pacific Palisades by our neighboring communities, and by elected officials and representatives in the city of Los Angeles, the County and the State. The PPCC Area representatives bring their own community's needs before the PPCC to gain support. They also take information back to their community on local and city-wide concerns, projects, laws, and regulations.

PPCC Area 2 Candidate
Personal Statement

I have lived in the Palisades since 1983, and in the Highlands since 2005.  I previously served as PPCC Secretary and Area 2 Alternate.  I have also served as Vice President of Kehillat Israel synagogue, president of the Santa Monica Bar Association, and on the board of my Highlands HOA.  I am a practicing attorney and Adjunct Professor at Pepperdine Law School.  I welcome your support.


Dear friends,

As you might have heard, I’m running to be the Highlands Representative (Area 2) on the Pacific Palisades Community Council (PPCC).  

I was urged to run because many people in this area didn’t feel their needs and interests were being adequately represented and considered by the PPCC.  

I hope you’ll vote for me and urge your friends and neighbors in the Highlands to do so as well. you know me to be a person with common sense and good judgment, and that's what we need right now.

Most of us in the Palisades feel lucky to live here, but we must be willing to confront issues that impact all of us, such as increasing crime, traffic congestion, and large scale development. There are also many issues that are unique to the Highlands, such as the risk of wildfires, speeding on Palisades Drive, and our isolated location for first responders.  

I’m not a one issue candidate.  However, I would be ignoring the elephant in the room if I did not address the most controversial Highlands project in recent years:  the proposed 4-story elder care facility on Palisades Drive.  Many of you have asked me how I feel about this facility.  I think this facility, as currently planned, is inappropriate for the location.   
  • Building a 4 story building in a residential area where the tallest buildings within miles are only 2 stories, seems wrong.  The height alone makes it unacceptable since it will block views of the mountains for residents and hikers on nearby trails. 
  • Onsite parking will be inadequate, which will cause visitors and employees to park on neighborhood streets. 
  • There will be increased traffic on Palisades Drive as care-givers drive residents up and down the hill to take care of their personal needs.
  • In the event of a wildfire, firefighters should be busy saving homes rather than evacuating elderly people who may be unable to fend for themselves.  

I appreciate the hard work of PPCC to make the Palisades a better place for all of us, but in this situation, I would have liked for the PPCC and the Land Use Committee to have acknowledged the overwhelming community sentiment against this project, and to have voted that the project was not an appropriate use for the location. I believe that the vast majority of Highlands residents continue to be adamantly opposed to this facility, and as your representative, if elected, I will do everything I can to make your wishes known to the PPCC and local government officials.

I hope you will vote for me and forward this email to your friends and neighbors in the Highlands. 

Steve Cron

I love my family and my community
Happy Grandparents