GriefHaven Support Groups: Loss of Spouse/Partner and Loss of Child to Drug Overdose, Boutique Fundraiser 5/9

Visit Spousal/Partner Support Group, Visit Mother's Day Boutique 

Our New Spousal/Partner Support Group Wednesdays , from 7 P.M. at Kehillat in Pacific Palisades

About the Spousal/Partner Group

This group is for men and women who have lost a spouse or partner. Susan Whitmore and Kane Phelps (see below) have joined together to bring those who are grieving the death of a spouse or partner a beautiful, loving, and powerful experience of rebuilding every aspect of their lives.
The first meeting was held at Kehillat in Pacific Palisades, Wednesday, March 11, from 7:00 P.M. to 8:30 P.M.
PLEASE LET OTHERS KNOW: If you know someone who has lost a spouse/partner, please let them know about this unique group.

Your Guides

Susan with color correction
Susan Whitmore
Kane Phelps
Kane Phelps

Susan Whitmore and Kane Phelps are co-facilitating the griefHaven spousal/partner support group.
Susan is the founder and executive director of griefHaven. She has a Bachelor of Science Degree in BM and is a Certified Grief Counselor. After her daughter's death in 2002, she started griefHaven and has since dedicated her life to all aspects of grief. Her approach to grief is very unique and covers the science of grief as well as tools that empower the griever. Susan approaches her work with openness about her own losses and co-facilitates all of the child loss support groups. Since Erika's death, Susan has worked with thousands of grieving parents, siblings, grandparents, as well as those with other losses who are deeply in need of loving and empathic guidance.
Kane is a licensed MFT in private practice in Pacific Palisades. He has over 30 years of experience as a support professional, including a Certificate in Thanatology and Death Education, two years' experience as a group facilitator at Our House grief support center in West Los Angeles, and as a hospice volunteer with the Veteran's Administration. Grief support is one of his areas of expertise. We are excited to be working side-by-side.

Child Loss Due to Drug Overdose

We still have room in this support group specifically designed for parents whose children die from a drug overdose. Please spread the word!
For details about both groups, please contact griefHaven at either or by calling (310) 459-1789.