David Kaplan Area 6 Representative 2018

Vote for David Kaplan, Area 6

"I am a retired lawyer and would like to continue  
using my skills for the community as Area 6 PPCC Representative."

The Pacific Palisades Community Council (PPCC) holds area representative elections for each of its eight areas and one at-large representative, every two years. The PPCC is viewed as the voice of the residents of Pacific Palisades by our neighboring communities, and by elected officials and representatives in the city of Los Angeles, the County and the State. The PPCC Area representatives bring their own community's needs before the PPCC to gain support. They also take information back to their community on local and city-wide concerns, projects, laws, and regulations.

Personal Statement of David Kaplan
PPCC Area 6 Candidate

I have been a resident of Pacific Palisades residing on Haverford Ave for  over 7 years, I have been on the Board of the PPCC for the past 4 years. During the past two years I represented Area 6 as the elected representative. During that time I chaired the Village Project land use committee which vetted the project and made recommendations to the full board. I also served on the executive committee and bylaws committee. I am a retired lawyer and would like to continue  using my skills for the community.

During my two years as  elected representative I have assisted people in issues ranging from street scape repair, WiFi  pole installation and metered parking issues to name a few. The fact that I am running unopposed does not diminish my desire to continue seeing that the Caruso project opens and provides services to all Palisadians  and operates in a transparent and effective manner.

Thank you for your consideration,     
David Kaplan